This page will contain scanned images from our collection related to the history of Helldorado celebrations in Tombstone, Arizona. It is our purpose to share as much of our collection as possible with those that are truly interested.
You will notice the items on display have dark lines through them or a red logo. This is from a clear Mylar transparency that we lay the document on before scanning it.
Our goal is to promote and educate people on the magnificent history of the American West. Step back in history and enjoy these rare and scarce images from early Tombstone!
Your looking at an original photograph of Allen Street
taken during the 1929 Helldorado celebration. The event
was wildly successful with many people attending
locally and from out of state. © Kevin Mulkins,
Pictured, with pistol in hand is author, some say
fabulist, Anton Mazzanovich participating in the 1929
Helldorado celebration. The reverse of the photograph
states in his own hand writing, "Anton Mazzanovich.
Author of Trailing Geronimo, as a wild and woolly
Mexican at the Tombstone Helldorado, 1929." ©
Kevin Mulkins, 2012
Pictured is an original program from the first Helldorado celebration in 1929. Among those mentioned on the Honorary Advisory Committee were: John P. Clum, William Breakenridge, Walter Noble Burns, L.C. Shattuck, Wm. Hattich, and George H. Kelly. Those attending in person were: John P. Clum, "Colonel" William Breakenridge, and Jeff Milton. The first Helldorado was very successful thanks to the hard work and creativity of George H. Kelly, editor of the Tombstone Epitaph newspaper at that time. ©Kevin Mulkins, 2012
The next four photographs were taken during the first Helldorado celebration in 1929. They are remarkable! The photographs are from a Bisbee family who had lived in Tombstone at one time. They came to Tombstone and the Helldorado celebration in October of 1929 to support the town's efforts promoting itself and Cochise County. © Kevin Mulkins, 2012
This 1929 Helldorado photograph of the so-called OK
Corral Gunfight on Fremont street shows an erroneous
location. The gunfight actually took place west of this
location. John P. Clum, who was in attendance, objected
to the inclusion of the shoot-out in the Helldorado
celebration and believed it was inappropriate! Notice
the heavy smoke from the black powder revolvers. ©
Kevin Mulkins, 2012
This 1929 photograph shows the apparent staging area
for the parade participants on Fremont Street in front
of the old Nobles Hotel, also known as the Gird Block.
Schieffelin Hall can be seen in the background. ©
Kevin Mulkins,2012
This amazing and rare photograph shows Ed Schieffelin's
sister standing beside the old Modoc stagecoach. One
wonders what she is thinking. Her bewildered look
indicates perhaps the 1929 Helldorado celebration was
not what she thought it would be. We can only
speculate. © Kevin Mulkins, 2012
I call this photograph "the Helldorado crew" because a few of these men, that we were able to identify, played major rolls in organizing the first Helldorado in 1929. Those we were able to identify are William Breakenridge first row center, and Mayor Ray Krebs, first row far right. Paul Hood is second from the left in the second row, next to him is William H. Kelly the main catalyst and conceiver of the first Helldorado. Unfortunately, the other men in this photo are unidentified. Many of the men in Tombstone, in preparation for Helldorado, grew beards and donned new cowboy hats. This photograph attests to that! © Kevin Mulkins, 2012
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